Reference Job links of works we have done!
We have had opportunity to work with several customers across different industries, providing a bouquet of services.
Our crew has produced and directed several movies and TV contents all of which have been a huge success from our first production – Green Grass; unto “Swings”; “Give me a spouse or I die”; “Just Deluded”; and most recent production “Abata”

Other projects planned and executed by our team include:
Fidelity bank video documentary
Access Bank Upgrade video
Heritage Bank Master Card video skit;
Heritage Bank Documentary video tagged “The talking Drum” –
Siemens Benin Power Station Documentary
KPMG Fintech Video –
KPMG Robot Financial advisor;
KPMG/ FBNQuest Intelligent Advisor;
KPMG Data and Insight Centre;
Access/Diamond Bank merger and acquisition video production.
KPMG annual Audit Award;
FBN Holding (First Bank of Nigeria) annual recognition Award
Main One AGM Video